At Charitable, we’re always want to make sure you are aware of the latest version of Charitable, so here’s some information on version
Hooks and Filters
If you’re a developer check out the changelog with a few additional ways to customize Charitable.
Integration with WP Mail SMTP
Charitable has made it easy to install a plugin to ensure more secure and reliable emails for your donor receipts and admin notifications. WP Mail SMTP fixes deliverability problems with your WordPress emails and form notifications. It’s built by the same folks behind Charitable.

- NEW: Add three WordPress hooks to allow developers to add custom content in the gateway fieldset in the donation form.
- NEW: Add ‘charitable_stripe_payment_intent_data’ filter payment_intent_data sent to Stripe (example: remove setup_future_usage for some Stripe payment integrations).
- NEW: New menu item “SMTP” with ability to download and install WP Mail SMTP.
- NEW: Added hooks ‘charitable_gateway_fields_front’, ‘charitable_gateway_fields_after_legend’, and ‘charitable_gateway_fields_after_legend’ to insert text into gateway fields area in donation form.
- NEW: Updated charitable.pot.
- FIX: Resolved a security issue when checking to see if a campaign can recieve donation.
- FIX: Resolved issue related to exporting recurring donations.
- FIX: Added nonce and permissions check to checking licenses via AJAX.
- FIX: Resolved typos and PHP warnings and notices.
Try the New Updates Today
We know you’ll love them, and we have so much more planned for 2024.
As always you can grab a free download of Charitable here.
– David and the Charitable team
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