Charitable Documentation

Learn how to make the most of Charitable with clear, step-by-step instructions.

Fundraise Button Shortcode

The [charitable_fundraise_button] shortcode adds a link or button that people can click to go to the fundraising form for a particular campaign.

Premium Feature

The [charitable_fundraise_button] shortcode is exclusively available with Charitable Ambassadors.


  • parent_campaign_id: Set the parent campaign’s ID. This can be left out or set to current to display the fundraise button for the campaign currently being viewed.
  • display: Whether to display a button or a link. Options: button or link. This defaults to button.
  • text: The text to display in the button or link. If this is left out, the default text is Fundraise.


Add a fundraise button for the current campaign


Add a fundraise button for a specific campaign

[charitable_fundraise_button parent_campaign_id=28]

Show a fundraise link

[charitable_fundraise_button parent_campaign_id=28 display=link]

Change the button text

[charitable_fundraise_button parent_campaign_id=28 text="Create a Fundraiser"]

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