In Charitable we introduced the option of having a single field to enter credit card information (default) or having multiple fields (separate fields for card number, name, expiration date, and CVC/security number). This has been a popular request for our users!

Gateway Settings
The option for multiple fields is dependent on the payment gateway. For example this is where the field is located for the Stripe gateway:

The new fields for the separate fields are translatable, and developers can manually adjust the look of the fields with CSS and other means.
Gateways Supported
At this time only the Stripe payment gateway is supported. Some gateways by default ONLY do multiple fields so nothing changes for these. For gateways that can support single and multiple fields, we will add these over time.
The option is in beta. Meaning that the feature might need to be tweaked with certain WordPress themes or with some plugins.
If you would like to share feedback or if you have questions feel free to reach out to our support team.