Charitable Documentation

Learn how to make the most of Charitable with clear, step-by-step instructions.

Account Shortcodes

Table of Contents

Login Form

To set it up, add the following shortcode to a new page:


You can optionally set the message that will be displayed to users when they are already logged in with the logged_in_message parameter:

[charitable_login logged_in_message="You are already logged in!"]

You can also customize the text used for the link to the registration page with the registration_link_text parameter:

[charitable_login registration_link_text="Register"]

To remove the link to the registration page altogether, set registration_link_text to 0:

[charitable_login registration_link_text=0]

It is also possible to change the default page that people are redirected to after logging in:

[charitable_login redirect=]

After creating this page, go to Charitable Settings and scroll down to find the “Login Page” setting. From the dropdown list, select the page you just created.

Logout Link

You can add a logout link with a shortcode:


The shortcode accepts two optional parameters: redirect sets the URL that users will be redirected to after logging out. text sets the logout text.

[charitable_logout redirect= text="My special logout text"]

Registration Form

To set it up, add the following shortcode to a new page:


You can optionally set the message that will be displayed to users when they are already logged in with the logged_in_message parameter:

[charitable_registration logged_in_message="You are already logged in!"]

You can also customize the text used for the link to the login page with the login_link_text parameter:

[charitable_registration login_link_text="Signed up already? Login instead."]

To remove the link to the login page altogether, set login_link_text to 0:

[charitable_registration login_link_text=0]

By default, the user is redirected to the Profile page after registration or, if the Profile page has not been set up (see below), to the homepage. You can provide a default page for users to be redirected to with the redirect parameter:

[charitable_registration redirect=""]

After creating this page, go to Charitable Settings and scroll down to find the “Registration Page” setting. From the dropdown list, select the page you just created.

Profile Form

This is a simple way to include a profile form for your donors to manage their details.

To set it up, add the following shortcode to a new page:


There are no extra parameters.

After creating this page, go to Charitable Settings and scroll down to find the “Profile Page” setting. From the dropdown list, select the page you just created.

Donations Table

You can let donors see a history of their donations with this shortcode:


Note that this currently only works for logged in users, so your donors will have to register and/or login before accessing this.

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