Charitable Documentation

Learn how to make the most of Charitable with clear, step-by-step instructions.

Submit Campaign Shortcode

The [charitable_submit_campaign] shortcode allows you to display a campaign form on a page.

Premium Feature

The [charitable_submit_campaign] is exclusively available with Charitable Ambassadors.


Note: All of the parameters below were added in Ambassadors 2.0. If you are on a previous version, you can only use the shortcode in its default form, without any parameters.

  • parent_id: Set a campaign parent. This means that all campaigns submitted through this form will be fundraisers for an existing campaign, with all the money they raise counting towards that parent campaign. Leave this empty or set it to 0 if you do not want to set a campaign parent.
  • fundraiser_type: Display the form for a particular type of fundraiser. Options include: team, team-member, or individual. Leave this out if you want users to be able to choose the type of fundraiser they want to create. This parameter will be ignored if parent is not set.
  • team_id: Set a specific team ID for the fundraiser to join. This argument will be ignored unless parent is set and fundraiser_type is set to team-member.


Show a standard campaign form


Show a fundraiser form for an existing campaign

[charitable_submit_campaign parent_id=28]

Show a team creation form

[charitable_submit_campaign parent_id=28 fundraiser_type=team]

Show a join team form

[charitable_submit_campaign parent_id=28 fundraiser_type=team-member]

Show a join team form for a particular team

[charitable_submit_campaign parent_id=28 fundraiser_type=team-member team_id=88]

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