Charitable Documentation

Learn how to make the most of Charitable with clear, step-by-step instructions.


The Charitable_User class allows you to get access to information about a particular user.

Charitable_User is a sub-class of WP_User.

Getting an instance of Charitable_User

Given a user ID, you can retrieve a Charitable_User instance in one of two ways:

$user_id = 123;

// Get instance from cache
$user = charitable_get_user( $user_id );

// Direct instantiation
$user = new Charitable_User( $user_id );

The advantage of using charitable_get_user is that it uses the object cache to retain the instance of Charitable_User.


Charitable_User has access to all the same properties as WP_User:



Returns the donor ID for this user. If this user has never donated, this will return false.


This returns a single record from the wp_charitable_donor table for the donor.


This returns whether the user is a donor.


This returns whether the user has verified their email address.

mark_as_verified( $verified )

This sets whether the user’s account is verified.

Boolean. Whether the user’s account is verified.


Returns the user’s email address.


Returns the user’s full name. Note that if the user has not supplied a first name, only the last name will be returned; and vice versa.


Returns the user’s first name.


Returns the user’s last name.


Returns the user’s location.

If available, this will show the user’s city, followed by their country; if a city is not set, it will show the user’s state, followed by their country. If neither a city nor state is shown, this will return the user’s country.

If no country is set, just the city or state will be shown.

get_address( $donation_id = '' )

Returns the printable address of the user. If a donation id is specified, this will return the address used for the donation.

Optional. If set, this will return the address for the donation. Otherwise, this will return the address stored in the donor’s profile.

get_donations( $distinct_donations = false)

This will return an array of all donations made by the user.

Boolean. If true, this will only show unique donations.

count_donations( $distinct_donations = false)

This returns the number of donations made by the donor.

Boolean. If true, this will only count unique donations.


This returns the number of campaigns to which the user has donated.

get_total_donated( $campaign_id = false )

Returns the total amount donated by the user, or the total donated to a particular campaign by the user.

Optional. If set, this will only get the total amount donated by the donor to the given campaign. By default, this is set to false.

get_avatar( $size = 100 )

Returns the HTML to display the donor’s avatar. By default, this will return the Gravatar associated with the donor’s email address.

Optional. Sets the width & height of the avatar to return. By default, the avatar is returned with a width and height of 100px.

get_avatar_src( $size = 100 )

Returns the image source file of the avatar.

Optional. Sets the width & height of the avatar to return. By default, the avatar is returned with a width and height of 100px.

get_campaigns( $args = array() )

Returns a WP_Query object with all campaigns created by the donor.

Optional. Additional arguments to be passed to WP_Query.

get_current_campaigns( $args = array() )

Returns a WP_Query object with all campaigns created by the donor that are currently active.

Optional. Additional arguments to be passed to WP_Query.


Returns whether the donor has any current campaigns.

get_activity( $args = array() )

Returns a WP_Query object with all donations and campaigns created by the donor, ordered by date.

Optional. Additional arguments to be passed to WP_Query.

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